How to find Lead-Free Ammo

October 26, 2019

A very common question we receive goes something like this:

Yo, AmmoSeek! I'm trying to find ammo that doesn't have lead in it because that is what my state requires but I'm having trouble finding that kind of ammunition with your search engine. Can you add a non-leaded search option to your search forms so I can find this ammo?

In fact, this type of question is so common it begged and pleaded with us to be added to our FAQ, so we added it there. However, I'm about to tell you the best way to find lead-free ammo using AmmoSeek right now so don't change that dial...

Here is the secret:

Put lead-free in the include keywords search box after selecting the caliber you wish to search. About 90% of the time this will show you several purchase options for lead-free ammunition. Note that on the new search form the include keywords search box is the one that has the text "Match these words in search" or something like that.

So go on, search for lead-free ammunition to your heart's content!

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