New Feature: Ignore Problems in Alerts

August 28, 2020

AmmoSeek has a new feature we'd like to let you know about: ignoring potentially erroneous products in alerts.

AmmoSeek lists over 200,000 products from over 100 retailers, which are updated 24/7/365. As such, it is not feasible to verify all the data is accurate for each and every product we list. This is why every product in the search results has a green flag icon sitting at the end of it. Clicking it allows you to let us know that the corresponding product has some incorrect information within it (e.g. wrong price, out of stock, etc), so that corrective action can be taken, if needed.

Until now our price alerting system (see AmmoSeek Price Alerts for Fun and Profit), has included these potential erroneous products in the alerts users receive when a specified threshold is reached. Today, we are introducing a new feature for registered users that prevents you from being alerted about products which have been reported by other users as having errors.

To access this feature you first need to have a registered account and then be signed into AmmoSeek. AmmoSeek accounts are free and can be initiated from our login / join page.

Under the user menu in the upper right corner of the browser window (on non-mobile) you can open your personal Account Settings window and the new option can be toggled on or off. (Mobile user must first click on the three dots "hamburger" menu in the upper right, then on your user menu).

The feature is OFF by default. Here's a screenshot:

Ignore DR Toggle
Ignore DR Toggle

Turning this feature ON will ignore all products which have an active discrepancy report during the alerting process.

IMPORTANT NOTE: On occasion, users will submit a discrepancy report for a product which actually has no errors. Or, in other cases, conditions will change and after the discrepancy was reported and the problem will have corrected itself. So enabling this new features means you won't be annoyed by alerts of erroneous listings, but there's a risk that you could miss out on legitimate deals.

Thank you. Stay safe. Stay free, and always shoot straight!

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